Book of Mormon Movie, The (Volume 1: The Journey); VHS (CLOSE-OUT SALE!)
Book of Mormon Stories for Children (CD), by Nina Maloney
Discovery of Hill Cumorah South, The (Data DVD for computer)
DNA and the Book of Mormon (CD), produced by Frank Evan Frye
Eight Pillars of Evidence (DVD), by Frank Evan Frye
glyph notes--Disc 1, The First 5 years (Vol. 1-6) (CD for computer)
glyph notes--Disc 2, The Second 5 Years (Vol. 7-11) (CD)
glyph notes--Disc 3, The Third 5 years (Vol. 12-16) (CD)
glyph notes--Disc 4, The Fourth 5 Years (Vol. 17 - Vol. 21) (CD)
Journey to the Promised Land (CD), written by Kim Morgan; music by Mark Colville
Journey to the Promised Land (DVD), written by Kim Morgan; music by Mark Colville
Land of Nephi (DVD), The, by Pre-Columbian Studies Institute
Mighty Change of Heart, A, by Mark L. Colville (DVD)
Pyramids and Tombs (DVD), by Pre-Columbian Studies Institute
Quetzalcoatl, Evidence that Jesus Christ Ministered in America (DVD), by Frank Evan Frye