Head of Christ (Pocket Card), by Warner Sallman
Head of Christ (8" x 10"), by Sallman
Head of Christ (5" x 7"), by Warner Sallman
Christ at Heart's Door (5 "x 7"), by Warner Sallman
Christ at Heart's Door (8" x 10"), by Warner Sallman
Jesus, the Children's Friend (8" x 10"), by Warner Sallman
Good Shepherd, The (5" x 7"), by Sallman
Good Shepherd, The (8" x 10"), by Warner Sallman
Madonna and Child (8" x 10"), by Warner Sallman
Jesus and the Children (8.5" x 11.5"), by Warner Sallman
Boy Christ, The (8.5" x 11.5"), by Warner Sallman
Angels and the Shepherds, The (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Angels and the Shepherds, The (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Virgin and Child, The (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Virgin and Child, The (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Nephi's Vision of the Virgin and Child (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Nephi's Vision of the Virgin and Child (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Christ's Resurrection (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Christ's Resurrection (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Christ the Master Teacher (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Christ the Master Teacher (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher