Adventures of Beezrom, The, by Mindy Mulheron
All Things Work Together . . . for Good to Them That Love God (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley
Baptism Means New Birth, by Priscilla (Pat) Carrick and Jan Schultz
Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Church History Variety Puzzles, by Lois Shipley
Birth of Jesus Color Book, The, by Pamela Price; illustrated by Nancy Harlacher
Book of Mormon Variety Puzzles, by Lois Q. Shipley
Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Variety Puzzles, by Lois Q. Shipley
Emma (Paper Doll)--Everyday Edition, by Nancy Harlacher
Emma (Paper Doll)--Heritage Edition, by Nancy Harlacher
Everlasting Covenant, The, by Priscilla (Pat) Carrick
Feast upon the Words of Christ (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley
Fitly Framed Together (Word Puzzles)--Book 1, by Lois Q. Shipley and Catherine Heyl
Fun Things To do in Math Class, by Lois Q. Shipley
God Made the Colors, by Priscilla (Pat) Carrick
God Made the Sunshine, by Priscilla (Pat) Carrick
God Prepared a More Excellent Way (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley
I Desire That Ye Shall Plant This Word in Your Hearts (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley
I've a Story to Tell, by Martha Shaw
Iron Rod Activities--The Jaredites, by June Settles
Jesus and Me, by Nancy Young
Jesus' Birth, by Priscilla (Pat) Carrick
Joseph Smith Jr. (Paper Doll), by Nancy Harlacher
Learn with Joy, by Sionita School
Loop the Loop Puzzles, by Lois Q. Shipley
Loop the Loop Puzzles--Volume 2, by Lois Q. Shipley
Merry Heart, A, by Lois Q. Shipley
My Jesus Color Book, illustrated by Nancy Harlacher
My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures, by Lois Q. Shipley
Oil of Restoration Knowledge, by Jessie Jean Marshall
Parables Jesus Told, illustrated by Nancy Harlacher. Text by Pamela Price
Principles of Zion--How Do We Get There?, by Riane Marsh
Puzzles with a Promise on the Doctrine and Covenants (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley