Celestial Law--Principles for the Celestial Kingdom, The (CD with pdf documents), by Leonard Thompson
DNA and the Book of Mormon (CD), produced by Frank Evan Frye
Eight Pillars of Evidence (DVD), by Frank Evan Frye
Essential Library for the Restoration, The (CD), produced by Frank Evan Frye
glyph notes--Disc 1, The First 5 years (Vol. 1-6) (CD for computer)
glyph notes--Disc 2, The Second 5 Years (Vol. 7-11) (CD)
glyph notes--Disc 3, The Third 5 years (Vol. 12-16) (CD)
glyph notes--Disc 4, The Fourth 5 Years (Vol. 17 - Vol. 21) (CD)
Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary, by Christian Technologies Inc.
The House of the Lord (Flashdrive)
Vision Issues 1-100 (DVD for computer)
Vision Issues 1-90 (DVD for computer)