Apostasy and the Restoration, by John W. Rushton
Bible Points to the Book of Mormon and the New World, The, by Roy E. Weldon
Book Is True, The, by James S. Menzies
Book of Mormon Condemns Polygamy, The, by Richard and Pamela Price
Church of Jesus Christ How Shall I Know It?, The by William Lewis
Could You Write the Book of Mormon?
Differences That Persist, by Elbert A. Smith
Doctrinal Studies from the Bible
Epitome of Faith--Restoration Beliefs
Hear Ye Him
How the Plates of the Book of Mormon Were Translated, by Delbert Smith
Inspired Version, The (tract), by Israel A. Smith
Introducing the Book of Mormon, by R. S. Salyards, Sr. and Elva T. Oakman
Jesus' Other Sheep, by Frank Evan Frye
Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story, by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Joseph's Wentworth Letter, edited and printed by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Polygamy Conspiracies, The, by Richard Price
Priesthood, by Robert R. Bobbitt
Record of Joseph, The
Reformers Dreamed of the Restoration, The, by Richard Price
We Believe in Jesus Christ, by Apostle Charles R. Hield