Record of Joseph, The
Recorder's Certificate
Red Man's Hope, The: The Biography of Seventy Hubert Case, by Addie Spaulding Stowell
Referencias Doctrinales Para La Vida Eterna
Reformers Dreamed of the Restoration, The, by Richard Price
Rejoice! I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy
Rejoice! Jesus Christ Has Come (Christmas Bulletin)
Rejoice! Thou Shalt Have Joy (Christmas Bulletin)
Research in Mormonism
Research Notes on Doctrine and Covenants--Church History, by Thelona D. Stevens
Restoration Beliefs
Restoration Branches Movement
Restoration Crusade (CD-MP3), by Seventy Al Peletier
Restoration FUNdamentals (Word Puzzles), by Lois Shipley
Restoration Heritage (1st Quarter), by Beverly Hart and Norma Ann Holik
Restoration Heritage (2nd Quarter), by Beverly Hart and Norma Anne Holik
Restoration Heritage (3rd Quarter), by Beverly Hart and Norma Anne Holik
Restoration Heritage (4-Volume set), by Beverly Hart and Norma Anne Holik
Restoration Heritage (4th Quarter), by Beverly Hart and Norma Anne Holik
Restoration Hymns on the Organ (CD), by Richard Maloney
Restoration of Truth: in Word and Power, A, by Gary W. Metzger and Jon Tandy
Restoration Story, The, by Cumorah Books, Inc.
Restoration Witnesses, by Roy E. Weldon
Restoration: A Study in Prophecy, (A Study Guide to), by Arthur A. Oakman
Restoration: A Study in Prophecy, by Presiding Patriarch Elbert A. Smith
Rich Heritage, A, by Mildred Smith Thompson
Richard Price (Elder), Silencing of (CD)
RLDS Church Shall Survive, The
Road to Emmaus (Pocket Card), by Warner Sallman
Rock of our Redeemer, The, prepared by F. J. Van Tuyl, Venna Stevens Johnson, Vie Madsen
Roy E. Weldon (Evangelist)--Communion Message (CD)
Roy Weldon (Evangelist)--Not By Bread Alone (CD)