Prayer and Scripture Study Journal
Pre-Schooler's Dictionary, by Norma Anne Holik
Preaching Ministry, by Lorne S. White
Presenting the Book of Mormon to the Delawares (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Presenting the Book of Mormon to the Delawares (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Presidency and Priesthood, by Elder William H. Kelley
Presidential Papers
Priesthood Card--Deacon
Priesthood Card--Elder
Priesthood Card--Evangelist-Patriarch
Priesthood Card--High Priest
Priesthood Card--Priest
Priesthood Card--Seventy
Priesthood Card--Teacher
Priesthood Journal, The--Volume 2 (1935-1936)
Priesthood Manual
Priesthood, by Robert R. Bobbitt
Principles of Zion--How Do We Get There?, by Riane Marsh
Prophecy and Today, by Norma Anne Holik
Prophet Came to America, A, by Elbert A. Smith
Puzzles With a Promise on the Bible, by Lois Q. Shipley
Puzzles with a Promise on the Doctrine and Covenants (Word Puzzles), by Lois Q. Shipley
Pyramids and Tombs (DVD), by Pre-Columbian Studies Institute
Question Time
Quetzalcoatl, Evidence that Jesus Christ Ministered in America (DVD), by Frank Evan Frye
R. D. Weaver (Seventy)--Church Unity (CD)
R. D. Weaver (Seventy)--Mission of Jesus Christ (CD)
R. D. Weaver (Seventy): Faith (CD)
R. D. Weaver (Seventy): Power (CD)
R. D. Weaver (Seventy): Restored Gospel, The (CD)
Reasonable Service for Zion, A, by Grace Baughman Keairnes
Recent Book of Mormon Developments--Volume 2