Gregson's Stories of the Scriptures of Ancient America: Volume 3 (Reign of Kings)
By Louise Clark Gregson. Written simply and in a clear language so that both young and old can understand, this book contains the story of the ancient inhabitants of the American continent as recorded in the Book of Mormon. New spiral-bound edition.
Volume 3 continues with stories from the books of Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Mosiah, and Alma. It tells of many of God's commandments, including the teachings of King Benjamin as he taught from the big tower to the large number of people who came to hear him. There is the story of the prophet Abinadi and how he warned the people what would happen to them if they did not repent. Because of the preaching of Abinadi, Alma was converted to the Lord and became a mighty preacher to all who would listen. This book is filled with stories of those who were faithful to the Lord, and how they were blessed because of their obedience to Him.
Contains 68 stories and seven maps and charts. 184 pages.
NOTE: If you wish to purchase a full set of the five books in this series, see product #90106050. Purchased separately, the cost is $32.50. Purchased as a set, the cost is $27.50--a savings of $5.00.