70 Favorite Restoration Hymns, compiled by Paul V. Ludy and Associates
This 7" x 8 1/4" booklet has 70 hymns from the 1985 Hymns of the Restoration (blue hymnal). Some of the hymns are also found in the 1933 Saints Hymnal, 1956 The Hymnal (gray), and the 2007 Hymns of the Restoration (purple). An index is included in the book.
It is a wonderful booklet of hymns to use at retreats, church dinners, and other special get-togethers. It has many favorites such as "I Have Found the Glorious Gospel," "Redeemer of Israel," "The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning," "O My People Saith the Spirit," Hymn of "Consecration," "Trust and Obey," and many more.