Other Leaders of Factions
(RLDS History of the Church 3:77–78)
Alpheus Cutler
Alpheus Cutler followed the fortunes of the movement under Brigham Young to Western Iowa, there dissented, and with his followers settled in Southwestern Iowa, in what now is Fremont County, at a place which they called Manti. Quite a number of the Cutlerites afterward located in Minnesota, where the majority of them united with the Reorganization.
George M. Hinkle
George M. Hinkle organized what was called “The Bride, the Lamb’s Wife;” but it was weak, and finally disappeared.
There were some other minor movements which we need give but casual mention.
James Emmit
James Emmit is mentioned as having gone off with a company soon after the death of Joseph Smith, but we have no authentic record of his movements, and think it unsafe to follow rumor.
Gladden Bishop
Gladden Bishop we have no authentic account of, so we can safely give him but a casual mention as the leader of one of the many movements of the time.
Others of whom we have no reliable information we must pass without special notice.