Simply Sweet Hymns by Request (CD), by Melinda Hawley
This is a beautiful addition to the Simply Sweet Hymns collection of CDs. The piano accompaniment and singing is by Melinda Hawley. Also featured is the vocal talents of Brendon, Heidi, and Phillip Hawley. It includes sixteen often-requested hymns:
What a Friend We Have In Jesus, You May Sing of the Beauty, The Lord's Prayer, Gracious Spirit Dwell With Me, How Great Thou Art, Be Thou My Vision, Amazing Grace, Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies, His Eye Is on the Sparrow, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, Oh My People, Tenderly Tenderly, Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee, The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning, It Is Well With My Soul, and Victory in Jesus.