Little Jesus, by Byrna S. Zerr
Little Plays, by Lois Shipley
Living by the Promises of God, by Leo A. Gussman
Living in Covenant, by Annette D. Burkart
Living Temples for God
Living Testimonies--Book 3
Living Testimonies--Book 4
Living the Gospel Plan (Unit 1), by Lucille Imlay
Living the Gospel Plan (Unit 2), by Lucille Imlay
Living the Gospel Plan (Units 1 and 2), by Lucille Imlay
Living Water, by Thelona D. Stevens
Loop the Loop Puzzles, by Lois Q. Shipley
Loop the Loop Puzzles--Volume 2, by Lois Q. Shipley
Lord's Prayer, The, by Mark L. Colville
Lord's Supper, The (Pocket Card), by Warner Sallman
Love is What Happens (Wedding Bulletin)
Madonna and Child (8" x 10"), by Warner Sallman
Manual of the Priesthood, A, by Apostle Charles Derry
Map of Church History, A, by artist Aileen Bullard Franklin
Map of Far West
Map of Haun's Mill
Map of Northwest Missouri
Marietta Walker (11" x 14"), by Nancy Harlacher
Marietta Walker (8" x 10"), by Nancy Harlacher
Mark H. Forscutt--Memorable Minister and Musician
Marvelous Manifestations of God's Power in the Latter Days, compiled by Elder Edward Rannie
Marvelous Work and a Wonder, A, by Daniel Macgregor
Master's Touch I, The, by Mildred Nelson Smith
Master's Touch II, The, by Mildred Nelson Smith
May Our Lives Reflect the One Who Gave Us Love (Wedding Bulletin)
May They Be One in Us, O Holy Father, by Betty Mosier Beller
Memoirs and Testimonies of Louise Clark Gregson, Volume III