Book of Mormon Studies, by Thelona D. Stevens (Newly Reprinted!)
An outline study course of the Book of Mormon, with supporting references from the Inspired Version and Doctrine and Covenants. 52 lessons. 196 pages.
This newly reprinted book has been rescanned to produce an easier-to-read edition. The binding is coil spiral bound so it easily stays open. It is a wonderful book for classroom teaching or for individual study.
It contains a section entitled "Introductory Readings," which explains nineteen aspects of the book, including: the purpose of the Book of Mormon, the setting of the Book of Mormon (America, and why it is so important), how the records came forth and their translation, archaeology, geography, archaeology, and many others.
The study book is divided into two additional sections. The first section entitled "The Old Testament of the Books of Mormon" is divided into three parts: "The Jaredites," "A Branch of Israel Broken Off," and "A House Divided Against Itself." The second section, "New Testament of the Book of Mormon" has sixteen lessons covering the birth of Jesus, His ministry after the Great Destruction. the restoration of Christ's Church foretold, and Zion.
This is a "must-have" book for every home and church library.